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1 August 2001 A Novel Double Lesion in X-Irradiated DNA Consists of a Strand Break and a Base Modification
Harold C. Box, Edwin E. Budzinski, Jean Dawidzik, Helen B. Patrzyc, Harold G. Freund
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Box, H. C., Budzinski, E. E., Dawidzik, J., Patrzyc, H. B. and Freund, H. G. A Novel Double Lesion in X-Irradiated DNA Consists of a Strand Break and a Base Modification. Radiat. Res. 156, 215–219 (2001).

A single free radical-initiating event can produce a pair of base lesions in DNA oligomers exposed to ionizing radiation. Whereas double base lesions have been observed previously, the present study shows that double lesions may sometimes consist of a base lesion and an associated strand break. The mechanism for the formation of double lesions is discussed. A redox process is postulated in which guanine is the source of the electron. It is suggested that double lesions may be formed in DNA either on adjacent nucleotides or, alternatively, on nucleotides separated by one, two or possibly more intervening nucleotides. It is hypothesized that intramolecular electron transfer facilitates the formation of double lesions on nonadjacent nucleotides.

Harold C. Box, Edwin E. Budzinski, Jean Dawidzik, Helen B. Patrzyc, and Harold G. Freund "A Novel Double Lesion in X-Irradiated DNA Consists of a Strand Break and a Base Modification," Radiation Research 156(2), 215-219, (1 August 2001).[0215:ANDLIX]2.0.CO;2
Received: 28 December 2000; Accepted: 1 April 2001; Published: 1 August 2001
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